Monday, June 28, 2010

Desperado Decor

Ok, I took a blogging hiatus. I had an excuse. I was out of the country. That isn’t a fib like telling a guy you can’t come to the phone because you’re washing your hair. That one always cracked me up. Anywho, I’m back. I have a post I’ve been working on about our time in Italy, but that must now wait. I have more pressing issues at hand. I have a design dilemma... a piano.
For those of you who don’t know this or don’t remember, I played the piano, every day, for a decade. From 7 years old until I was 17, I practiced. Then one day, I just decided to stop. When I decide to quit something, it’s usually cold turkey. So, that was that. I literally have not played a single time since the day I quit. When I started, my parents bought their 7 year old a brand new, beautiful, Baldwin piano. It cost over $2,000. That was in 1988. $2,000 was a LOT of money for anyone, let alone my parents, who had two small children to raise. They could have easily bought me an ancient used piano, or nothing at all, but no, they bought me this lovely little upright cherry finish Baldwin. I loved it. I still love it. And I still appreciate that my parents invested their hard-earned pay into that piano. However, I haven’t touched it since 1998. It sits in their living room, like a relic of another time. It gets dusted, but the only action it sees is my husband’s rendition of Desperado. This piano is probably more sick of Desperado than we are.
In life, whether it be cigarettes, soda, or a sh*tty boyfriend, sometimes quitting can be the best move you ever make. Uh, playing a musical instrument? Probably never a good idea to quit. Sure, I’m no Van Cliburn. I actually read music horribly, but my fingers can commit pieces to memory after some practice. Long story short, I will never be a musician that brings joy to the public, but I certainly brought enjoyment and accomplishment to myself. So, I’ve been wanting to start practicing again. “My” piano has been a part of my parents’ home and décor for 22 years, and it’s not going ANYWHERE. Enter Andy. Andy owns a piano. It’s been on loan to a family member for the past 10+ years, but it was always understood that if/when he wanted it back, it was his to take. If I didn’t know where Andy gets his efficiency and work ethic, I do now. I casually mentioned to Andy’s Mom, ONCE, last time we were visiting, about how it would be nice to have that piano at some point in the future. Well, she spoke to the family member, they are fine with us taking it, and she even rented a UHaul for this 4th of July weekend and coordinated with her sons to make the delivery. She means bidnazz.
When it comes to our home (and life in general), my husband is all about function. If something serves a purpose, he’s all for it. Superfluous trinkets be damned. And while he appreciates my efforts to make our home look nice, he will always, ALWAYS, choose practicality and purpose over aesthetics. I get it. I really do.
So, naturally, he’s perplexed at my apprehension about the pending delivery of our piano. Have I not been asking for this same piano for how long now? But there are two things I’m worried about. 1- Our house is tiny. Pianos weigh a ton, so it needs to be on the first floor. So…that leaves the living room in front of the front window. So, I now must move my favored macintosh chairs that are currently in front of the window to….I have no idea. 2- The piano’s finish is super duper light (think blonde wood). Our living room is all dark woods. Those who know my sense of style know that I am always ready to embrace an eclectic mix of colors and things that don’t “match , but that’s with shoes and a top, not the furniture in my home. I mean come on. Anyways, how can I fix this? I mean…can you refinish a piano yourself? That seems like a really difficult project that I’m not sure I’m interested in undertaking. Maybe I can drape a dark brown runner across it so it masks the blonde just a touch? Should I just shudder every time I look at them together in the room? I’m grieving the look of our living room changing. The room is in need of some serious personality, but I was thinking new curtains and pillow covers, not varying woods. I like its overall look. I don’t want it to change. But I want a piano, and here is a FREE piano. Well you can’t have your cake and eat it too is I guess the lesson learned here. Maybe I should just shut up about the look of the room and let my innner-Andy take over, and just celebrate the functionality of the space? Any thoughts/ideas will be welcome.


  1. 1. I think if anyone can make the mix of woods work, it's you.

    2. I'm also kinda sad about the impending removal of the chairs in front of the windows. They're one of my favorite parts of your house.

  2. If your piano matched your might just be a decoration. BUT...since it isn't exact, it might catch your eye more and encourage practice seshes.

    I'll be happy to rent Todd if you ever want to hear Fur Elise.
